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Best Practices for Septic Systems

Troy Todd

In this post, we will share the best practices for keeping your septic system working well.

Best Practices for Septic Systems

1. Have your tank and drain field inspected every year.

This will ensure that any issues are caught early so they don’t turn into massive (and expensive) problems down the road.

2. Have your tank pumped every 3-5 years, or more frequently if you have more people using it or a smaller tank.

This is non-negotiable! You must get your tank pumped to keep it working its best! Find a company you trust and work with them to determine the frequency that fits the needs of your household or business.

3. Repair any leaks as soon as they happen.

Leaks can cause water to flood into your septic system leading the system to become overloaded.

4. Conserve water usage as much as possible.

Your septic system can only handle so much water at a time, so too much could cause a backup into your drain field.

5. Limit the use of antibacterial soaps and cleaners containing bleach.

This can impact the good bacteria that keeps your septic system working its best

Solid materials like cigarettes, diapers, plastic wrappers, lint, and feminine sanitary products can impact your septic system’s effectiveness.


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